The Untold Story

Tal Berreby

When I feign Jewish confession, 

I whisper to Adoni in hushed,

apologetic tones: is the human condition 

to try and surpass all that is unremarkable?

How terrible would it be,

if the universe bowed down 

to the mediocrity of neither fork nor spoon, 

but a hybrid, blending the very being 

of both. To be a Spork is to understand your

short stumps are vestige of your father fork,

the shallow cup your mother spoon. 

You mustn't mistaken yourself.

Your very existence is useless,

or so I told you all your life. 

Screeched it in your ears until 

You became a fragmented fraud 

of my own making.

TAL BERREBY is an Israeli-American writer and artist in the Boston area. When she isn’t writing, she works with underprivileged youth across the globe and in her small town by promoting literacy and teaching reading and writing. She is the president and founder of the non-profit “The Book Fairy,” where she helps donate hundreds of books to homeless shelters in Boston neighborhoods.